Watermelon ice cream

Watermelon ice cream healthy and suitable for the whole year. Although autumn is already here, the high temperatures are still with us, and with them, our desire to continue enjoying ice cream. In this case, we take advantage of one of the quintessential summer fruits that refreshes us the most on hot days: watermelon. You will see that with only two ingredients it is possible to get an ice cream with an irresistible texture and flavor!

recipe information

    • Preparation time: 4 hours of freezing
    • total time: 4 hours and 20 minutes
    • rations: 5
    • Category: dessert
    • type of cuisine: mediterranean
    • calories: 60 kcal per serving

Ingredients for watermelon ice cream and soy yogurt for 5 people

    • 1/2 watermelon without black seeds
    • 500 grams of creamy soy yogurt

Ingredients for watermelon and yogurt ice cream

How to make the watermelon and yogurt ice cream

The first step to make our homemade ice cream will be to cut the half watermelon into cubes, without the skin and as small as possible. Once we have the pieces, we put them in a tightly closed container and leave it in the freezer for at least 4 hours. If you can leave it overnight, better.

sliced ​​watermelon

Once the time has passed, we take the watermelon pieces out of the freezer and put them in a food processor or a mixer with enough power. We crush well until we see that the watermelon has turned out like a hailstorm.

frozen watermelon to crushWith this texture, we add the yogurt directly into the same blender glass and blend again until the two ingredients are fully integrated.

If you prefer, you can substitute the soy yogurt for other options, such as mascarpone cheese, Greek yogurt or nata de coco, for example. The result is equally creamy and delicious!

Watermelon with yogurt to crushOnce the watermelon is crushed with the yogurt, you will get a creamy ice cream texture, ready to enjoy! But if you prefer it thicker, you can put it back in the freezer for about 20 more minutes.

One of the keys for this watermelon ice cream to be perfect is to use only the amount that you are going to consume, since it does not contain any fatty element, if we freeze and thaw it several times, it would crystallize and lose the creamy texture that we like so much. .

ready to drink ice creamMy recommendation with the amount that you have left over is that you freeze for 1 hour and take it out about 15 minutes before consuming, keeping it in the fridge afterwards.

You can enjoy it alone or accompanied by your toppings favourites: dark chocolate chips, nuts such as sliced ​​almonds, honey, agave syrup or any syrup you have at home. Do you dare to prepare it?

Long live summer, and long live ice cream!

plated watermelon ice cream

Easy preparation summary

    1. Peel and dice the watermelon
    1. Freeze the pieces in a container for at least 4 hours.
    1. Crush the watermelon until it has a granita texture
    1. Add the soy yogurt and blend again
    1. Serve the ice cream and accompany it with your toppings favorites