Blackberry Gin Fizz Cocktail, how to prepare it

Blackberry Gin Fizz Cocktail, how to prepare it. Gin Fizz appears for the first time in cocktail recipes from the 19th century, but it was during Prohibition when it reached its maximum splendor thanks to clandestine bars, called “Speakeasy”, where various spirits were created capable of going unnoticed with their apparent appearance. innocence of lemonade or exotic fruit juices. One of the derivatives of the Gin Fizz is the famous Blackberry Gin Fizz which, as its name suggests, is composed of a delicious preparation of blackberries with lemon and a touch of sugar, we can even add honey or vanilla.

recipe information

    • Preparation time: 10 minutes
    • total time: 2 hours
    • rations: 1
    • Category: drinks
    • Type of cocktail bar: international
    • calories: 126 kcal per glass

Blackberry Gin Fizz ingredients for 1 person

    • Gin (if it is better premium) to taste
    • 1/2 cup of blackberries
    • 1/2 glass of lemon juice
    • 3 spoonfuls of sugar
    • Soda
    • Ice
    • sprigs of mint or basil to decorate

Ingredients for the BlackBerry Gin Fizz cocktailAlberto Martin

How to make the Blackberry Gin Fizz

First we will have to prepare the mixture of blackberries, lemon and sugar. Once we have crushed the blackberries we will add the lemon juice. We will let it macerate in the fridge for at least two hours. Then we strain the preparation to remove the seeds from the blackberries and pour the mixture directly into the glass. The type of glass that we will use for this cocktail is the medium tumbler: it is a thick glass with a cylindrical shape. It is used to mix few ingredients but with a lot of ice.

Add the blackberry preparation, lemon and sugar to the glassAlberto Martin

We will add the gin to taste, taking into account that the quality of the alcohol will make our mix better.

We pour the premium ginAlberto Martin

Finally we incorporate the ice into the cocktail.

We add the ice to the glass with our cocktailAlberto Martin

We fill the glass until complete with sparkling water.

Fill the glass with sparkling water to the top until completeAlberto Martin

Garnish with a lemon or lime, blackberries and a mint or basil leaf.

Final photo of the BlackBerry Gin Fizz cocktailAlberto Martin

Easy preparation summary

    1. Prepare the mixture of blackberries, lemon and sugar
    1. Add the mixture directly into the glass
    1. Add the gin to taste
    1. Add the ice to the cocktail and fill the glass until full of sparkling water
    1. Decorate with lemon or lime, blackberries and a few mint or basil leaves