Old Fashioned how to make the classic cocktail

Old Fashioned how to make the classic cocktail. The Old Fashioned is believed to have been created in the early 20th century at the Pendennis Club in Louisville, Kentucky, by a retired general who was not much of a whiskey lover. To modify its strong alcoholic flavor, he prepared a base of sugar and Angostura and added a generous amount of ice, thus achieving a combination that has become a classic. This cocktail became so popular that he generalized the use of Old Fashioned to designate a short, thick glass, perfect for a short drink with cubed ice.

recipe information

    • Preparation time: 5 minutes
    • total time: 5 minutes
    • rations: 1
    • Category: drinks
    • Type of cocktail bar: US
    • calories: 168 kcal per cup

Old Fashioned ingredients for 1 person

    • 2 tablespoons of sugar
    • 2 strokes of narrowness
    • 1 shot of soda
    • 6cl of bourbon
    • Ice

Ingredients to make the Old Fashioned

How to make the Old Fashioned

We make the cocktail directly in the glass in which we serve 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Pouring sugar into the cup

Two narrow blows.

Give two strokes of AngosturaA hit of soda.

give a hit of sodaImpregnate the glass with the mixture.

Impregnate the glass with the mixture

We introduce 6cl of bourbon.

pour the bourbonWe add a good ice.

Put a good ice in the glassWe remove it with a bar spoon controlling the dilution.

Stir with the spoon

Add more ice if necessary. We flavor and decorate the cocktail with an orange twist.

Incorporate an orange twistReady to serve

Old Fashioned seen from above

Easy preparation summary

    1. We serve the tablespoon of sugar in the glass
    1. Add the Angostura, the soda and the bourbon
    1. we introduce ice
    1. We remove it with a bar spoon
    1. Decorate with a twist of orange