Pomace cream how to make the ideal liqueur at home to accompany coffee

The pomace cream is one of the most popular shots in Galicia, where It is usually served at the table of meals to accompany coffee. In my house we prepare the traditional pomace cream that is made from a cream of milk and cream to which the pomace is then added. I like to sweeten this dairy cream only with sugar and a little bit of vanilla essence but there are other recipes that incorporate coffee, vanilla or even cocoa.

This pomace cream is quite smooth and has a very special aroma and flavor but it should be remembered that it contains alcohol and therefore, we must have moderation in its consumption. The ideal is to take this pomace cream very very cold, so it is preferable to prepare it a few hours in advance. We can also store the shot glasses in the freezer and take them out just at the moment in which we are going to consume the pomace cream. It must be taken into account that this pomace cream is a homemade preparation, so once prepared, we can always keep it in the fridge a maximum of 5 days.

recipe information

    • Preparation time: 5 minutes
    • cooking time: 5 minutes
    • total time: 10 minutes (plus cooling time)
    • rations: 6,300ml
    • Category: drinks
    • type of cuisine: Galician
    • Calories per serving (kcal):148

Ingredients for the pomace cream for 6 people

    • 200 ml of liquid cream to mount
    • 70ml milk
    • 30g of sugar
    • 5 ml of vanilla essence
    • 25 ml of pomace
Ingredients of the pomace cream@cocinerocasero

How to make homemade pomace cream

Put 200 ml of whipping cream, 70 ml of milk, 30 g of sugar and 5 ml of vanilla essence in a saucepan. Mix well with a whisk until all these ingredients are perfectly integrated.

Mix the liquid cream to mount, the whole milk, the sugar and the vanilla@cocinerocasero

Next, we put the saucepan over medium-high heat and wait for the mixture to start to boil. Once it starts to boil, reduce the heat to low and let it cook for 3 minutes, stirring from time to time to prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool to room temperature.

We put the saucepan on the fire@cocinerocasero

Once the mixture has cooled, we place it with the help of a funnel in the bottle in which we will later store the pomace cream. Next, add 25 ml of pomace, close the bottle and shake it so that the pomace mixes well with the milk and cream.

Place the mixture with a strainer in a bottle and then add the pomace@cocinerocasero

Store the bottle with the pomace cream in the fridge for a minimum of 2 hours. When it is very cold, we serve it in shot glasses.

Put the pomace cream in the fridge and serve it cold@cocinerocasero

Easy preparation summary

    1. Mix the liquid whipping cream, milk, sugar and vanilla essence in a saucepan
    1. Put the saucepan over medium-high heat and when the mixture begins to boil, lower the heat and cook for 3 minutes. Let it cool at room temperature
    1. When the mixture is cold, we transfer it to a bottle and then add the pomace. Close the bottle and shake well
    1. Put the pomace cream in the fridge for a minimum of 2 hours and serve it very cold in shot glasses