Buckwheat bread, how to make it at home step by step

This Buckwheat bread is a great option if you are looking for a easy gluten free bread and with natural ingredients. It does not have kneading or forming of any kind, we simply need time and maintain the proper proportions of water so that we have a dry and fluffy crumb.

Next, we propose a basic recipe that you can modify to your likingadding other ingredients: seeds, nuts, dehydrated fruits or changing the water for yogurt, kefir, buttermilk or any other liquid that you like.

Perfect Buckwheat Bread SlicesMonica Prego

recipe information

    • Preparation time: 15 minutes
    • cooking time: 1 hour
    • total time: 1 hour and 15 minutes (plus rest times)
    • rations:8
    • Category: loaves
    • type of cuisine: Spanish
    • Calories per serving (kcal):325

Buckwheat bread ingredients

    • 500 grams of buckwheat grain (after soaking for 8-12 hours)
    • 250 ml of water
    • 6 grams of dry baker’s yeast
    • 10 g of pysillium
    • 1 teaspoon of honey
    • 20 ml of extra virgin olive oil
    • 10 grams of salt

ingredients for making buckwheat breadMonica Prego

How to make buckwheat bread

We wash 500 g of buckwheat well under the tap with the help of a strainer, pour it into a large bowl and cover it with plenty of water. We leave it to soak for at least 8 hours, or we can even leave it for 12 hours. In this way the seeds will hydrate and soften.

Soaking buckwheat to make buckwheat breadMonica Prego

After the soaking time, we put the wheat in a strainer and drain the soaking water well, but do not wash it.

Draining soaked wheat to make buckwheat breadMonica Prego

Next, we pour 250 ml of water into the blender glass and add the drained buckwheat grains.

Pouring the ingredients into the mixer to make buckwheat breadMonica Prego

Next, we are adding the rest of the ingredients of the recipe: 6 g of dry baker’s yeast, 10 g of pysillium, 1 teaspoon of honey, 20 ml of extra virgin olive oil and 10 g of salt.

Ingredients in the mixer to make buckwheat breadMonica Prego

Blend everything together for a couple of minutes until you get a thick and viscous paste. Once we have it well crushed, we line a mold with baking paper —in this case, we have used a 23 x 10 cm one— and pour the dough. We evened it out well on the surface and let it rest covered for 12 hours. If it was very hot, we would leave it for less time. We can even delay the rising and leave it up to 24 hours in the fridge.

Adding the dough in the pan to make buckwheat breadMonica Prego

After resting, we will see that the dough has grown about 2 or 3 centimeters, but it will not double in size.

Ready-to-bake, risen buckwheat breadMonica Prego

We turn on the oven at 200 ° C with heat up and down. When it has reached the marked temperature, we put the mold with the bread and let it cook for 1 hour at 200 °C.

Freshly baked buckwheat breadMonica Prego

After this time, we check if the bread is cooked by poking it with a toothpick; if it comes out clean, you’re done. Remove it, unmold it and let it cool on a wire rack.

Buckwheat bread made in a moldMonica Prego

Once cold, we can cut it into slices. A good alternative to preserve the bread is to cut it all up and store the slices of bread in the freezer. In this way, we would already have our toasts ready. We would simply put them in the toaster straight from the freezer, toast them and that’s it.

Buckwheat bread slicesMonica PregoEasy Buckwheat BreadMonica Prego

Easy preparation summary

    1. We wash and soak the grains of buckwheat in water 8-12 hours
    1. After soaking, we strain the grains without washing them
    1. We put them in a blender with water
    1. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend
    1. Pour the mixture into a mold and let it rest for about 12 hours.
    1. We’ll see it go up a bit
    1. Bake the bread in a preheated oven at 200ºC for 1 hour.
    1. Prick it and if it is ready, remove it and let it cool on a wire rack.
    1. Once cold, we cut it and serve it. we can freeze it