Pumpkin bread, original and colorful to surprise

With the Pumpkin bread we obtain with a tender, spongy crumb and a slight sweet flavor, which makes it ideal both for snacks for children and to accompany some cheese or a simple vegetable cream. Next, I show you how to make this delicious bread and how to give it this pumpkin shape very easily.

slice of pumpkin bread@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

recipe information

    • Preparation time: 4 hours
    • Cooking time: 35 minutes
    • total time: 4 hours and 35 minutes
    • rations:6
    • Category: loaves
    • type of cuisine: international
    • calories: 285 kcal per 100 g

Ingredients for homemade pumpkin bread for 6 people

Ingredients for the ferment:

    • 100 g whole rye flour
    • 100g of water
    • 10 g fresh baker’s yeast

Ingredients for the final dough:

    • All the previous ferment
    • 150 g roasted pumpkin puree
    • 500 g of bread flour
    • 30 g honey or maple syrup
    • 300-350g of water
    • 10 g EVOO
    • 30g pumpkin seeds
    • 14g salt
Pumpkin Bread Ingredients@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

How to make pumpkin bread for 6 people

We start the recipe by weighing and measuring all the ingredients and we will make the ferment first. To do this we will put the rye flour, the ferment water and the yeast in a bowl. We will mix everything with a wooden spoon and let it rise covered at room temperature until it doubles its volume.

Pumpkin bread ferment@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

This will take about two hours. At the same time and while the ferment rests we will roast the pumpkin. To do this, we will put it in a dish and bake it at 180 ºC for one hour.

cleaning the roasted squash@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

When it “pricks” we will remove it from the oven and let it cool down a bit. We will remove the pulp and make a puree, which we will reserve.

We make pumpkin puree@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

And once the ferment is ready we will begin to knead the bread.

Yeast ready for pumpkin bread@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

In the same bowl where we have the ferment, we will add the water from the dough, the syrup and the oil.

Add the honey to the ferment@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

Add the pumpkin puree and mix everything.

Initial mixture with the pumpkin puree@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

When it is integrated, we will add the flour, with a spoon we will mix everything until it is integrated.

We add the flour@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

We will let it rest, covered, for 20 minutes as an autolysis.

Initial mixture for autolysis@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

Once the time has passed, we will add the salt and some pumpkin seeds and we will knead a little until we integrate it.

We add the seeds@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

We will dump the dough on the work surface and knead with our hands until the dough is smooth.

bertinet kneading@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

We will see how the gluten develops and the dough gains consistency.

Kneading on the counter@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

When the dough is ready, we will transfer it back to the bowl and let it rise. During this time we will do three batches of folding every 10 minutes during the first half hour. With wet hands, so that it does not stick, we will take the dough by the edges, we will stretch it and we will fold it on itself, turning the bowl.

folded in the bowl@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

We will repeat this 2 more times. We will cover it and let it rest until the next batch of folding. Once we have made all the rests and folds, we will cover it and let it rise for an hour until it has doubled its volume.

dough rising@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

After the time of the first levado we will form the bread. Sprinkle the work surface with flour, turn the dough over and make a ball with it, which we will let rest for about 15 minutes so that the gluten relaxes and then we can form the bread. Next, we will give it the final shape, forming a ball and ensuring that the mass remains with the greatest possible tension.

We roll the dough with tension@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

We will place it in a rounded and previously floured basket for raising.

bread in the basket with tension@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

Sprinkle a little flour on top, cover it and leave it at room temperature for an hour. We turn on the oven to 250 ºC, and we will let it preheat. We want the bread to receive a heat stroke when it enters the oven, which will make our bread rise. When the bread has doubled in volume, we will tie it to give it the shape of a pumpkin.

For this we will prepare several cords that we will place on the previously floured work table, in the shape of a star.

We place laces in the shape of a star@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

We will overturn the already risen dough on top of these ropes, ensuring that the union is in the center of the loaf, and we will begin to tie it.

we overturned the bread on top of the laces@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

One by one, we are taking the cords at the ends and we will tie them in the upper center of the bread, trying to make it fit, but without pressing too much.

We start by tying the pumpkin bread@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

We will be tying all the cords, so that when the bread is baked and it rises, we have the shape of a pumpkin.

pumpkin shaped bread@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

Quickly we will make some tufted cuts, on the surface, imitating the grooves of the pumpkin.

buttered pumpkin bread@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

Spray a little water, and quickly put it in the oven at 240º C. After 20 minutes, we will lower the oven temperature to 230 ºC and leave it for another 30 minutes. As I always say, times are relative and will depend on each oven. When the bread is cooked and golden on the outside, we will remove it and let it cool on a wire rack. When it is completely cold we can taste it.

bread cooling@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

To preserve it we can cut it into slices and freeze it like this.

overhead view of pumpkin bread@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

Then, as we need it, we will take it out and, simply by toasting it, in a few minutes we will have delicious toasted bread.

bread slices@pandebroa.by.monikaprego

Easy preparation summary

    1. We weigh and measure the ingredients of the recipe
    1. We make the ferment by mixing the ingredients
    1. We let it rest for about two hours, until it is ready for use.
    1. Meanwhile, we roast the pumpkin in the oven at 180 ºC for one hour
    1. We remove it and once cold we make the puree
    1. When the ferment is ready we knead the bread
    1. Mix the ferment with the water, the syrup, the oil, the pumpkin puree and the flour
    1. Mix everything and let it rest for 20 minutes.
    1. Next, we add the salt and the sunflower seeds and mix
    1. We turn the dough on the work table and knead until it is smooth
    1. Let the covered dough rest and after 20 minutes we fold the dough
    1. We will repeat the rests and the folds 2 more times
    1. Cover the dough and let it rise in block for two hours
    1. Next, we form the loaf, rolling the dough with a little tension.
    1. We place it in a banetón or round fermentation basket
    1. Cover it and leave it at room temperature for 1 hour.
    1. Turn on the oven at 250 ºC and let it heat for an hour
    1. We place pieces of rope in the shape of a star on the table, we overturn the bread in the center and tying the ends of the ropes we give it the shape of a pumpkin
    1. We comb or cut it and pulverize it with water
    1. We put the bread in the oven and leave it for 20 minutes at 240 ºC
    1. Lower the temperature to 230 ºC and leave it for another 30 minutes
    1. When it is ready, remove it to a wire rack and let it cool completely before cutting it.