Sex on the Beach cocktail, how to prepare it easily

Sex on the Beach cocktail, how to prepare it easily. This delicious cocktail is one of the most famous American drinks and was created in Florida, the beach in the United States. The story of its creation dates back to the 1980s, when a beverage company launched a peach-based liqueur. Then, a Peach Schnapps commercial came up with the idea of ​​holding a contest among the bartenders in the area to encourage sales, so the bartender who sold the most peach schnapps would get a $1,000 reward. The winner was one Ted Pizio from Confetti’s Bar who concocted a delicious fruity drink and cheekily named it “Sex on the beach”, becoming very popular with young people on spring break.

His main success was not the recipe, but the name he used. According to what he told her later, it occurred to her to call him that when she thought about the great attractions of Florida: sex and the beach. As with many other cocktails, there are variations that have become popular over time, such as changing vodka for rum or coconut rum, substituting cranberry juice for grenadine or other fruits different from the original recipe, or adding liquor. Amaretto to give it a bitter touch.

recipe information

    • Preparation time: 10 minutes
    • total time: 10 minutes
    • rations: 1
    • Category: drink
    • type of cuisine: US
    • calories: 326 kcal per glass

Sex on the Beach cocktail ingredients for 1 person

    • 45ml vodka
    • 15 ml peach liqueur
    • 15 ml of cranberry juice or another red fruit
    • 15ml orange juice
    • Ice
    • Orange or cherry slices
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How to do Sex on the beach

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For this tropical cocktail we are going to use a Highball glass or Hurricane glass. First we put the ice in the shaker.

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We add our measure of vodka with the jigger.

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Next we add the peach liqueur.

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Then we add the cranberry juice.

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We also add the orange juice in equal parts, if it is natural it will give the cocktail a more natural and less sweet flavor.

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Shake the mixture vigorously for 15 seconds and serve in our glass.

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Decorate with a slice of orange and cherry. Finally, we give it a more beachy touch with the ornamental umbrella, an exotic delight.

Easy preparation summary

    1. Pour the ice into the shaker
    1. Add vodka and peach schnapps
    1. Add orange juice and cranberry juice in equal parts
    1. Pour the mixture into the glass
    1. Garnish with a slice of orange or cherry

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