Michelada Cocktail, the refreshing Mexican mix

The michelada cocktail is a Mexican cocktail that is prepared with blonde beer. The most traditional and authentic is made with a mixture of sauces, lime juice and with a lager that is smooth. The popular version of the origin of the michelada dates back to the 70s, specifically, in the city of San Luis de Potosí. At the local sports club, a member named Michel Ésper is said to have ordered a seasoned beer every day:

A blonde, salt, lemon and ice

The other story comes from the United States, and it is that around the 50s, beers, both in Europe and in Mexico, were drunk at room temperature. However, in the United States they began to be taken with ice or cold, calling them “chilled beers.” The English word “chilled” ended up mutating to “chelada” or “my frozen chela”, which has been known worldwide as Michelada.

recipe information

    • Preparation time: 10 minutes
    • total time: 10 minutes
    • rations: 1
    • Category: drinks
    • Type of cocktail bar: mexican
    • calories: 23 kcal per cup

Michelada ingredients for 1 person

    • Juice of 2 limes
    • 10ml hot sauce
    • 5ml Lea & Perrins sauce
    • blonde beer
    • Salt
    • ground chile or cayenne
    • Ice
    • lime slice

Alberto Martin

How to make the Michelada

The type of glass that we will use for this cocktail is the wide or pint type. First of all, moisten the edge of the glass with the lime, then decorate it with salt and ground cayenne flakes. To finish we add ice and the juice of two limes.

Alberto Martin

Add the hot sauce that can be Tabasco, Sriracha or Tapatio.

Alberto Martin

Then we are going to add a sauce called Lea & Perrins, which is a fermented liquid seasoning used mainly in cooking as a flavoring. It’s basically a flavor enhancer.

Alberto Martin

Mix with a shaker and finish filling the glass with very cold beer. Remember that the recommended beer is lager or pilsner style. The most used are: Model, Pacific, Tecate, Victoria or Corona. With any of these you will get an optimal result.

Alberto Martin

To finish off, decorate with a slice of lime and enjoy! of the most famous cocktail in the world.

Alberto Martin

Easy preparation summary

    1. Pour ice and the juice of two limes into the glass previously decorated with salt and ground cayenne flakes
    1. We pour the hot sauce
    1. Add the Perrins sauce
    1. We mix with the shaker and complete with beer
    1. Garnish with a slice of lime

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