How to make a perfect Cosmopolitan cocktail

How to make a perfect Cosmopolitan cocktail. Various sources credit the barmaid cheryl cook as the creator of the cocktail. According to these sources, Cheryl invented the recipe between 1985 and 1986, while she was working at a bar located in South Beach, Florida with the intention of creating a glamorous cocktail for her most select clientele. Dale DeGroff, one of the greatest bartenders in the world in the early 1990s, transformed the recipe as we know it today by including the cocktail on the menu of the Rainbow Room restaurant in New York in 1996. Shortly after, the singer Madonna was photographed drinking this cocktail at the bar after the Grammys. After the photos of Madonna with the cocktail in her hand were published, bartenders and owners of bars and restaurants from all over the world called asking for information about what the singer and actress was drinking. It was from that moment on when it became popular all over the world and thanks to the successful television series “Sex in the City” (Sex in New York), where the main character, Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), used to ask for it when she went out with her friends.

recipe information

    • Preparation time: 3 minutes
    • total time: 3 minutes
    • rations: 1
    • Category: cocktail
    • Type of cocktail bar: classical
    • calories: 146 kcal per glass

Cosmopolitan ingredients for 1 person

    • 4.0cl vodka
    • 1.5cl of Cointreau
    • 1.5 cl of fresh lime juice
    • 3.0 cl of cranberry juice

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

How to do the cosmopolitan

The cocktail is made in a cocktail shaker where we will fill it with ice.

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

We will fill the glass with ice so that it cools and the cocktail does not suffer great thermal changes.

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

We will add the vodka to the cocktail shaker.

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

We add the Cointreau.

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

Add the cranberry juice.

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

We squeezed the lime juice.

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

And we shake with the cocktail shaker.

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

We empty the glass of ice.

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

Once mixed, we use the double strain technique to avoid leaving traces of possible ice and pour into the glass.

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

We put a cherry in the glass.

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

We flavor with orange peel.

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

Decorate with a twist of orange and ready to drink.

Javier Garcia de la Hoz

Easy preparation summary

    1. We serve the ingredients in the shaker
    1. Stir for 10 seconds
    1. We serve the cocktail in a martini glass
    1. Decorate with an orange twist and a cherry

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